Will be held at The University of California, Santa Cruz
August 14th – August 18th, 2023
Registration Deadline July 31st, 2023
You can now register here!
Held on the beautiful University of California, Santa Cruz campus, this workshop provides professional instruction in the field of Adaptive Optics by speakers renowned for their contributions to this interdisciplinary field.
The summer school is appropriate for scientists, engineers, researchers, and technicians at the graduate level and above; this workshop combines lectures and hands-on, facilitated laboratory activities with working adaptive optics systems. Participants will also have an opportunity to give a poster presentation on their research.
We look forward to meeting you in Santa Cruz, CA!
Lecture Topics
☆ Introduction to Adaptive Optics
☆ Geometric and Wave Optics
☆ Atmospheric Turbulence
☆ Adaptive Optics control theory
☆ Wavefront sensing and reconstruction
☆ Deformable mirror technology
☆ Instrumentation for Adaptive Optics systems
☆ Adaptive Optics system design
☆ Adaptive Optics system simulation
☆ Measuring AO system performance
☆ Applications of AO, including biology and astronomy
Package | Conference Registration | Accommodation (Lodging and Meals) |
Graduate Student | $525 | Doubles ($220/Night) or Singles ($240/Night) |
Non-Student | $1,700 | Doubles ($220/Night) or Singles ($240/Night) |
Professional or Faculty | $2,900 | Doubles ($220/Night) or Singles ($240/Night) |
Package | Registration | Parking | Campus Meal x2 |
Graduate Student | $525 | $55 | $200 |
Non-Student | $1,700 | $55 | $200 |
Professional or Faculty | $2,900 | $55 | $200 |
All classes will take place at the in the Lewis Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) / Google Map

Center for Adaptive Optics ~ University of California Observatories University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Center for Adaptive Optics
Science Lead: Philip Hinz phinz@ucsc.edu
Science Lead: Rebecca Jensen-Clem rjensenc@ucsc.edu
University of California Observatories
Program Lead: Graseilah Coolidge gcoolidge@ucolick.org Tel: (831) 316-3019